Packing List
Guides for this trip
Important Note
Difficulty (Please Read)
Packing List
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Drive or fly into Asheville Airport (AVL).
The best time to arrive is between around Noon-3PM, earlier is generally better. However, if you can save a substantial
amount on your flight by arriving a few hours earlier or later than the suggested window, then do so.
Asheville is a small airport so flights may be limited.
Call or text us and we will pick you up and take you to a local hotel
Clarion Inn Asheville Airport
550 Airport Road, Fletcher, NC 28732, 828-684-1213
Equipment shakedown
Trail mix distribution
Go to
Diamond Brand Outdoor Shop
2623 Hendersonville Rd. • Arden, NC 28704 • 800-459-6262 • for last minute equipment if necessary
"Before" measurements taken
Go out for dinner at a local restaurant (Dinner cost not included in trip price)
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Second set of "before" measurements taken
All the items that you won't bring on the trail will be set aside and put in storage.
Free hotel breakfast
Shuttle to Smokemont frontcountry campground in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, elevation 2,250’
Depending upon the number of participants and vehicles, we may take up to an hour to shuttle vehicles
within the park to the Alum Cave Trail
Begin hiking 1.8 practically level miles on an old railroad bed on the Bradley Fork Trail along the
Bradley Fork of the Oconoluftee River to the Chasteen Creek Trail.
We will pass through an old CCC camp, cemeteries, and the former Bradley community.
Turn right and steadily ascend 2.4 miles on the Chasteen Creek Trail passing the
Chasteen Creek cascade, a profusion of Spring wildflowers, and cross several feeder streams
to the Upper Chasteen Creek, elevation 3320'
Camp at Upper Chasteen Creek, campsite #48. Elevation 3,320’.
Miles today: 4.2. Total miles: 4.2
Possible bailout: Route 441
Monday, April 11, 2022
Descend 2.4 miles on the Chasteen Creek Trail to the Lower Chasteen Creek, Campsite #50
(which we passed yesterday) and set up camp.
From camp, day-hike (no full packs) 0.5 miles on the Bradley Fork Trail to the junction
of the Smokemont Loop trail crossing the Bradley Fork on an old log bridge
Ascend the side of Richland Mountain for scenic views and back down the other side of
the ridge back to the Smokemont campground
We can take a side trail to the Bradley cemetery. Some of graves date back to the 18th century.
From Smokemont, we will return to camp by the Bradley Fork trail we took yesterday for a
round trip-day hike of 5.5 miles.
Camp at Campsite 50, elevation 2360’
Miles today 8.4, total 12.6
Possible bailout: Route 441.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Resume a gentle hike beside the Bradley Fork of the Oconoluftee River on the Bradley Fork Trail for 3.7 miles to the
intersection with the Cabin Flats Trail, elevation 2500'
Proceed 0.8 miles on the Cabin Flats Trail to the Cabin Flats campsite #49, elevation 3250'
Camp at campsite 49, elevation 3250'
Miles today: 5.2, total 17.8
Possible bailout: Highway 441
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Hike back 0.8 miles on the Cabin Flats Trail to the intersection with the Dry Sluice Gap Trail, elevation 3250'
Climb steadily (translation: difficult climb) for 2.9 miles on the Dry Sluice Gap trail,
through several forest types until the trail levels briefly
Turn left on the Grassy Branch Trail and hike 2.5 miles to the Kephart Shelter
elevation 3636'.
Camp at Kephart Shelter, elevation 3636'
Miles today: 6.2, total 24.0
Possible bailout: Highway 441
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Awaken before dawn to get an early start on a long day, and to make it to LeConte Lodge
before sit-down dinner begins.
Climb 3.7 uphill (but graded) miles on the Sweat Heifer Trail. Yay, we're on the Appalachian Trail!
Hike 1.0 miles on the AT to the Boulevard Trail.
The Boulevard provides a beautiful undulating hike through a spruce/fir forest along the Anakeesta Ridge
with frequent sweeping views of the northeastern side of the Park
Hike 4.9 miles on the Boulevard Trail, enjoying vista after vista to High Top,
the crest of Mt. Leconte and the third highest elevation in the Park at 6,593 feet
Gently descend 0.5 miles on to LeConte Lodge. Our lodging includes family style supper and breakfast,
and plenty of it. You can purchase souvenirs from the lodge and send a post card with the LeConte Lodge
post mark to your family. Llamas will pack out your post card on Wednesday. Our cabins have propane heat,
kerosene lanterns and genuine Hudson’s Bay wool blankets for all the comforts of home. The lodge is only
accessible by foot and you have earned it.
Day-Hike 1.0 round-trip miles to enjoy a National Geographic quality sunset from Cliff Top after dinner.
Return to enjoy a hot cocoa in the community room, play a board game or sing a song or two
(note: singing ability not required).
Miles today: 11.1. Total miles: 35.1
Possible bailout: Highway 441
Friday, April 15, 2022
LeConte Lodge provides a full sit-down breakfast
Steadily descend 5.5 miles from the lodge on the Alum Cave Trail to the Alum Cave Trailhead, elevation 3800'
Along the way we will pass by Gracie's Pulpit, Alum Cave and Arch Rock; the latter two being two of the most
interesting geological formations in the Park. The trail actually passes through Arch Rock. Trail renovations
on this trail have just recently been completed, and will be a pleasure to walk. The last mile and a quarter
especially is an easy stroll all the way to the parking lot
End of hiking
Possible bailout: Highway 441
Miles today: 5.5. Total miles: 40.6
Shuttle back to our local hotel
Clarion Inn Asheville Airport
550 Airport Road, Fletcher, NC 28732, 828-684-1213
After measurements taken
Dinner and awards Ceremony (Dinner cost not included in trip price)
This is the official end of the trip. You are welcome to spend the night at
the hotel, however if you drove and would like to get on the road or if you flew
and would like to schedule a late flight (or a red-eye if
this is a West Coast trip) you can definitely do so.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Free Hotel Breakfast
We will drop you at the Airport
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