
"I'm on my way to the size 6 - Fitpacking is a huge part of that journey - I couldn't do it without you! You made me stronger physically and mentally - Thank you!***

Kasia B., Arizona Trail, 2010, Cumberland Island National Seashore, 2010, Florida Trail, 2011, Great Smoky Mountains, 2011, Hot Springs, 2011, Florida Trail, 2012, Cumberland Island National Seashore, 2012, New Jersey Pine Barrens, 2012, Hot Springs, 2012, Cumberland Island National Seashore, 2013, Joshua Tree National Park, 2013, Foothills Trail, 2013, Hot Springs, 2013, Cumberland Island National Seashore, 2014, Great Smoky Mountains, 2014, Mount Rainier National Park, 2014, New Jersey Pine Barrens, 2014, Florida National Scenic Trail, 2015, Foothills Trail, 2015, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 2015, Hot Springs / Ouachita Trail, 2015, Los Padres National Forest, 2015, Cumberland Island National Seashore, 2016, Joshua Tree National Park, 2016, Great Smoky Mountains, 2016, Cumberland Island National Seashore, 2017, Lone Star Hiking Trail, 2017, Superstition Wilderness, 2017, Great Smoky Mountains LeConte Lodge, 2017, Cumberland Island National Seashore, 2018, Superstition Wilderness, 2018, Cumberland Island National Seashore, 2020

"I would book with Fitpacking again and would recommend it to my friends.***

Guido G., Redwood National Park, 2010, Shenandoah National Park, 2011, Mount Rushmore National Park, 2011, Rocky Mountain National Park, 2011, Gila National Forest, 2013

***Disclaimer required by Google: These are testimonials from our customers. We cannot guarantee that your experience, fitness gain or body composition transformation will in any way be the same as theirs. Just because they had something nice to say about Fitpacking, doesn't mean your experience won't be far, far inferior to theirs.