Collin Chambers - Guide

An Atlanta native, Collin lives in Winston-Salem, NC and is a NOLS certified Wilderness First Responder, NOLS certified in CPR, NOLS certified in Epi-Pen Auto Injector, SOLO certified in Backcountry Survival, certified in Food Safety & Handling and Leave No Trace Master Educator

She grew up enthusiastically exploring the mountains of North Georgia. She is passionate about walking in nature for overall good health as well as inspiring people to get outside. She spent many years leading hiking and backpacking trips, maintaining trails in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and also owned and operated a small backpacking gear shop. After selling the business, she thru-hiked the 2,181-mile Appalachian Trail. Collin has lived in many communities around the world, including Peru, Thailand, India, and Nepal, where she studied, practiced, and taught several types of yoga (including laughter yoga - hahaha!), dance, and several healing modalities. She recently published a book about the many benefits of walking and hiking, WildWood Magic: A Guide to Walking as a Sacred Path.

She has guided Fitpacking trips to:
  • Porcupine Wilderness, MI